Allegation of Racism on Jocelyn Sage Mitchell? (2025)

11 Min Read

Originally Syndicated on June 12, 2024 @ 8:58 am

Who is Jocelyn Sage Mitchell?

Jocelyn Sage Mitchell is an assistant professor at Northwestern University in Qatar, where she teaches a variety of topics. She is responsible for teaching each of these classes. Politics from both the United States and other countries are covered in these lessons. She went on to get her master’s and doctorate degrees in government from Georgetown University after finishing her undergraduate studies at Brown University, where she concentrated on Middle Eastern studies and political science. She then went on to attend Georgetown University for her graduate studies.

From the perspective of authoritarian regimes, Mitchell’s research focuses on the relationship between oil and the dynamics of exchanges between the state and society. 

Her collection of original data is accomplished via the use of a wide range of research methodologies, including the administration of surveys throughout the nation, the conduct of interviews with ethnographic subjects, and the examination of media. Traditional assumptions about the use of money and the structure of government under authoritarian regimes that possess adequate resources are being called into question by the project that she is now working on, which is centered in Qatar. 

Jocelyn Sage Mitchell: What happened with racism?

As a result of the harsh statements that she made against Qataris, Jocelyn Sage Mitchell, a lecturer at Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q), received criticism. Mitchell decided to withdraw from a research project that was supported by the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) and had a total value of 700,000. This decision was made in reaction to criticism. It was because of previous occasions in which Mitchell used racist words that she chose to resign from the initiative. This decision prompted her to separate herself from the endeavor.

Mitchell was forcefully encouraged to resign from the research project by the members of the Liberal Arts Department at NU-Q. They cited the need to align themselves with the ideals of the institution as well as the integrity of the research endeavor. Through the use of an email, a group of eight academics expressed their disagreement with Mitchell’s views, highlighting the fact that her behavior did not represent the ideals that are now held by the community.

Even though Mitchell was a participant in a research project that was funded by the Qatar National Study Fund (QNRF) and sought to investigate the perspectives of female entrepreneurs in Qatar, her previous remarks came under heavy scrutiny, which resulted in demands for her to resign from the project. The fact that there were no Qatari women on the research team added fuel to the fire of criticism.

Mitchell communicated her sorrow for her previous acts and recognized the damage that was created by her words in reaction to the issue that surrounded her. She highlighted her personal development and learning throughout her life, and she attributed her altered viewpoint to the fact that she had lived in Qatar for ten years after she settled there. However, in light of Mitchell’s controversial statements, users of social media platforms questioned the choice to fund the initiative.

The problematic statements made by Mitchell, which were first published in a blog post in 2008, were brought back to light in 2015, which resulted in condemnation and student protests. Although she removed the blog in 2015, it was found to be republished in 2019, which brought her under even more scrutiny. Mitchell said that she had sentiments of sorrow for her previous views and that she ascribed her change in perspective to the fact that she had been in Qatar for a longer time.

To summarize, Jocelyn Sage Mitchell’s choice to abstain from participating in the study project, as well as the subsequent controversy that followed, shed light on the complexity that is associated with responsibility, development, and the consequences of acts taken in the past in professional contexts.

Racist blogging by Jocelyn Sage Mitchell 

An essay with the heading “Signs You’re in Qatar” was put up on a blog that Mitchell and her husband operated back in the year 2008. Regrettably, it featured sentiments that were both disparaging and favoritism. A particular remark noted that “The proportion of less conventionally attractive women to conventionally attractive women is 9:1.” “In some cases, altercations between individuals of different nationalities have led to tragic outcomes, often stemming from personal disputes,” was the suggestion made by another commenter about the exceptional occurrences of violent situations. Not only is this kind of talk unhealthy, but it is also unacceptable.

Racism, what is it? 

Apart from simple prejudice, racism also includes institutional prejudices and discriminatory actions. It is the systematic provision of unequal opportunities and results depending on an individual’s race. A significant impact on Australia’s social structure has been made by race and racist ideology since European colonialism began in 1788. 

As the indigenous population of Australia, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have been disproportionately affected by the negative consequences of colonialism and continue to be vulnerable to racism, which is still deeply ingrained in Australian culture. 

The COVID-19 epidemic has resulted in a rise in prejudice toward Asian and Asian-Australian populations, illustrating the many ways in which racism has taken shape and affected different groups at different historical moments. It covers not only overt acts of violence and prejudice but also structural injustices ingrained in laws, rules, and social systems that deny people their rights, dignity, and fair treatment because of their race.


Finally, because of disparaging statements she made about Qataris, Jocelyn Sage Mitchell, an assistant professor at Northwestern University in Qatar, was the target of controversy and condemnation. As a result, she had to withdraw from a major research project that the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) was funding. 

She was involved in a research project funded by the Qatar National Study Fund (QNRF) that looked at female entrepreneurship in Qatar, however, her previous remarks drew a lot of criticism and requests for her to step down from the project. 

Mitchell recognized the hurt her remarks had caused and apologized for what she had said. She attributed her altered viewpoint to her time spent living in Qatar. Her controversial blog post from 2008, which included offensive and derogatory remarks, was rediscovered, which increased backlash and investigation. The event emphasizes how difficult it is to confront racism in academic and social contexts and emphasizes the complexity of responsibility, development, and the consequences of previous acts, especially in professional settings.

So, what are your thoughts on the behavior that Jocelyn Sage Mitchell has been exhibiting? 

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