Alex Reinhardt’s Fraud Exposed (2025)

22 Min Read

Originally Syndicated on June 6, 2024 @ 7:45 am

Since Alex Reinhardt has been responsible for the theft of more than 800,000 individuals via his Platincoin Fraud scheme, it is safe to say that he is a cryptocurrency scammer. Let’s get down to business and keep an eye out for his manipulative tactics. 

Alex Reinhardt: A Brief Overview

Through blockchain technology, venture funding, and mentoring, crypto industry leader Alex Reinhardt has had a big effect. Reinhardt excelled academically despite immigrating from Russia to Germany and linguistic hurdles. After studying at Berlin’s Humboldt University, he joined a business. Reinhardt has launched hundreds of successful firms and raised over half a billion euros, influencing sectors outside crypto.

His inventive idea, SMART Blockchain, seeks to redefine first-generation cryptocurrencies. Reinhardt’s experience shows that obstacles may be turned into chances for development and achievement. From linguistic difficulties to successful companies, Alex Reinhardt’s story is remarkable. Many budding entrepreneurs admire his crypto industry effect and kindness.

The Platincoin Scam by Alex Reinhardt

Alex Reinhardt has been involved with several initiatives that are linked to cryptocurrencies, and these ventures have been subject to criticism and charges of being scams. Following the launch of PlatinCoin (PLC) in 2017, he made bold assertions that the cryptocurrency had the potential to transform investors into millionaires.

One of his selling points was that the blockchain of PlatinCoin was ten times quicker than the blockchain of Bitcoin. He marketed this as one of his selling points.

Reinhardt was successful in attracting a sizeable number of investors and increasing publicity for PlatinCoin by comparing his cryptocurrency to Bitcoin and stressing the purported benefits of the latter.

Another objective that he indicated was the direct listing of PlatinCoin on an exchange, which is a standard criterion for determining the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies.

On the other hand, it would seem that Reinhardt did not fulfill the commitments he made. Despite his marketing efforts, he was not successful in listing PlatinCoin on an exchange. He sought to take advantage of this opportunity.

Furthermore, in 2017, many outlets slammed PLC as a probable scam and MLM Ponzi scheme, which may have increased the likelihood that the project’s authenticity was called into question.

It is essential to keep in mind that Alex Reinhardt was previously connected to the Swiss Coin scam that occurred in 2015, which is said to have deceived many investors.

Given his track record, his prior failures and scandals may have caused others to doubt his reliability and the viability of his suggestions considering his track record.

There are signs that the PlatinCoin company, which is owned by Alex Reinhardt, has a history of making grandiose promises, enticing investors with pledges of enormous riches, and then trying to live up to those expectations.

His ideas and reputation in the bitcoin industry are likely placed in jeopardy as a result of allegations of fraud, multi-level marketing Ponzi schemes, and failures in previous undertakings. It is always important for individuals to take care of themselves and do research before making any form of investment in a cryptocurrency or company related to it.

Alex Reinhardt: What led to the creation of the Platincoin scam?

Because of this, the cryptocurrency that Alex first offered at a value of 0.1 euros each coin is now only worth 0.07 dollars, which indicates that the endeavor was a complete and utter failure.

Hundreds of thousands of people have paid the set price of €5 to purchase this currency on the dashboard of the PlatinCoin website; yet, it has been hard for them to receive their money back.

As a result of Alex Reinhardt’s decision to market PlatinCoin on Coinsbit at a fixed price of €5, a large number of buyers who were not very cautious were duped into purchasing PlatinCoin.

Additionally, it has been stated by those with knowledge of the situation that Alex Reinhardt is most likely the creator of the Coinsbit exchange or a partner in the company. This is because all of his fraudulent activities involving centralized implementations are carried out via that platform to defraud investors.

Following that, Alex Reinhardt ceased utilizing the previous social media accounts that were associated with PlatinCoin and instead opened a Telegram channel. It is on this channel that he is now operating his most recent fraud, which is called PlatinCoin Ultima MLM.

At the time when he introduced PlatinCoin Ultima on Coinsbit for the ludicrous price of $100,000, he tempted investors with the promise of tremendous wealth.

He said that it would be a cryptocurrency that would be subject to intense competition, and he advised people to acquire it before its value skyrocketed as a consequence of the extraordinary things he intended to offer.

He used dishonest techniques, such as inventing a fake coin burning and recruiting individuals into minting and mining programs, to maintain the community’s interest in his endeavors.

The most current data indicates that the value of PlatinCoin Ultima has also undergone a significant reduction, with the price of each coin falling from $100,000 to barely $120 in just a few months.

How did Alex Reinhardt influence the PlatinCoin prices?

Some people believe that Alex Reinhardt purposely raised the price of PlatinCoin by selling his coins as a commercial firm to amass personal wealth.

Ever since the introduction of PlatinCoin Ultima and later PlatinCoin coins, a significant number of investors have suffered losses totaling around one billion euros. Alex Reinhardt may be marketing PlatinCoin Ultima X, according to the indications that are currently available.

PlatinCoin dashboards froze the coins that were held by investors in the inaugural PlatinCoin back in 2017, and these coins have continued to be locked and unavailable since that time.

Even though they could, PlatinCoin is of no use, and it is possible that the operations of the corporation were a contributing factor in the failure of its blockchain. According to him, his mistakes are the result of his lack of experience in the bitcoin industry, and he asserts that he is progressing and coming to terms with his true potential.

At this time, he is not approachable on any of the social media sites, and he does not welcome any type of comment or involvement from the general public. His company is conducted only via the use of a Telegram channel, and visitors are only permitted to see the channel; they are not permitted to take part in conversations or provide material.

The fraudulent activities of Alex Reinhardt are of an incredible size, and he has been responsible for the deception of more than one million individuals. It is therefore an essential concern to determine how these victims might seek reimbursement for the damages they have sustained.

Alex Reinhardt, who is unfazed by the repercussions of his actions, has begun to create new coins, such as Platincoin X and Platincoin Classic, to recruit new victims. There are more than one million people who have been victimized, and it is believed that more than one and a half billion euros have been illegally taken from individuals all over the globe.

These fraudulent activities have not only led to monetary losses but have also caused profound emotional harm to individuals and shattered their confidence in a great number of other people.

Obtaining justice in these kinds of circumstances may, however, be a difficult and time-consuming process.

Since many scams cross international boundaries, victims usually find themselves navigating several court systems inside their own countries.

Additionally, it is difficult to hold Alex Reinhardt responsible because he tends to avoid responsibility and the fact that he is only using a Telegram channel at the moment. 

Take caution! The following actions should be considered by victims in their pursuit of justice: When investing their funds in such schemes, consumers should exercise caution over the points.

  • Gathering Evidence
  • Reporting to the Authorities
  • Legal action certainty
  • Getting in touch with further victims
  • Become more aware

Did Alex Reinhardt operate a Ponzi scheme?

The PlatinCoin Ponzi scam has been revived as PlatinWorld. PlatinCoin was established in 2017 by Alex Reinhardt, a former Ponzi promoter who founded a company.

Based on the now-defunct SwissCoin Ponzi scheme, where he was among the top net winners, Reinhardt created PlatinCoin. 

Alex Reinhardt is shown there on the left, looking happy with his theft of €94,000 from SwissCoin investors.

This is the outcome of PlatinCoin’s dump on exchanges. It started as a typical Ponzi scheme and then evolved into an exit scam for public exchanges.

Reinhardt decided to relaunch his scam in the middle of 2021 as the number of PlatinCoin victims started to decline. Let’s now discuss the domain name “,” which was registered on June 23, 2021, for the PlatinWorld website.

November 2021 saw the official launch of PlatinWorld in Dubai after a brief time dedicated to preparing for PlatinCoin’s rebirth.

PlatinWorld has taken the place of the Ponzi scam, even if PlatinCoin’s website is still operational.

Alex Reinhardt presented PLC Ultima, a brand-new Ponzi currency, to deceive people with at PlatinWorld.

The current humorous public trading value of PLC Ultimate is around $60,000. Presumably, this is due to its awareness that currencies that are resurrected from Ponzi scams usually have worse performance than their original coins.

PLCU’s $20,000 price suggests tampering began in November. It was increased and enhanced to $58,684.

If somebody disables the wash trading bot or removes even a small amount of retained PLCU, the next dump will be epic.

Reinhardt’s PlatinWorld marketing is poor and aims to resurrect his Ponzi currency.

Alexa promotional website traffic estimates show that 24% of PlatinCoin bagholders are in Germany, 17% in India, and 14% in Mongolia.

PlatinWorld launched in late 2021, but recruiting didn’t begin until January 2022. Per Alexa online traffic estimates, PlatinWorld is promoted in Germany (24%), Russia (17%), and Mongolia (14%). Why India lagged behind Russia is unknown.

Even though PlatinWorld’s website doesn’t mention MLM, PlatinCoin’s MLM potential seems to have been carried over:

German Elias Pape is the chief PlatinWorld scammer.

Pape joined Kyani Ponzi. After SwissCoin launched, he migrated to PlatinCoin with Alex Reinhardt.  

Pape appears to have traveled to Dubai with Alex Reinhardt after leaving Germany.

Dubai is the global center of multilevel marketing scams. Due to the paucity of regulations controlling securities fraud connected to multilevel marketing and the absence of extradition agreements, scammers have taken refuge in the emirate.

Any Dubai-based company, CEO, or promoter raises a warning flag concerning MLM due diligence right away.

PlatinWorld investors are presumably being drawn in for the time being by PLCU’s deceptive public market value. Although it seems reasonable on paper, there isn’t any evidence to back it up.

Whether it’s because PlatinWorld recruits poorly (again) or scam artists like Elias Pape take money out of PLCU, most investors are going to forfeit money when PlatinWorld’s house of cards falls.

Following the failure of his PLC Ultima Ponzi scheme, Alex Reinhardt created PLCUX.

Reinhardt’s third effort at a Ponzi rebirth is PLCUX.

The centerpiece of Reinhardt’s PLCUX investing strategy is the “Ultima Farm” app. A private registration for the domain name “” of the PLCUX website was made on June 20, 2022.

The PLCUX website does not provide any executive or ownership information. Alex Reinhardt even went so far as to say he didn’t run the Ponzi scheme. 

Scam Revealed by Client in Alex Reinhardt Review

#1. Alex Reinhardt’s trading strategy 

Here, in the aforementioned remark, the reviewer’s mother lost over $500 after falling for Alex Reinhardt’s fraudulent plan. Thus, the reviewer expressed his remorse for participating in such a Ponzi scam in the remark above. I may also warn you about investing in similar Ponzi scams, like Alex Reinhardt’s, with this remark. 

Alex Reinhardt: Is he running a fraud or not?

Platincoin, an MLM cryptocurrency company, claims that it leverages social media, blockchain technology, and global commerce.

A state-of-the-art cryptosystem that anybody from any background can use is the company’s ultimate goal.

According to Platincoin, you may boost your income even if you lack expertise in complex technological processes.

Rumor has it that Alex Reinhardt, the creator of Platincoin, started PLC AG Group in Germany. Alex Reinhardt has amassed a large fan base and achieved some notoriety in the cryptocurrency industry.

Given this company’s history in multi-level marketing, is it any wonder that more effort is going into making Alex Reinhardt a household figure in the PLC sector? 


The cryptocurrency known as Platincoin is nothing more than a Ponzi scam. With the only intention of carrying out a Ponzi scheme, its technology is nothing more than a sham. Throughout his career, Alex Reinhardt, the creator of Platincoin, has made many assertions and aspirations that are false.

Over the previous five years, every single effort to raise the prices of Platincoin has been unsuccessful. To the best of my knowledge, Alex Reinhardt conducts all of his endeavors fraudulently. The feelings and resources of his neighbors are the targets of his predatory behavior.

Avoid becoming involved in this business endeavor, and make sure that others are aware of it so that they may be dissuaded from doing so.

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